Since the existence of the human world, there has been population movement from one place to another. The simple need for better and different lives, progress, and a more comfortable life are expressions of the constant human desire for prosperity. On the other hand, wars and unrest are also significant causes of population movement and their need for calmer and safer environments.
Migrations are not only trends from these regions, but they also occur in much more developed countries, though they are most pronounced in areas affected by war and in countries with weaker economic status.
Datum: 14.02.2024.
Vrijeme: 13:00
Lokacija: Mala sala Općine Travnik
Poštovani i poštovane, USAID projekat "Diaspora Invest" u saradnji sa Općinom Travnik organizuje info-sesiju u okviru koje ćemo predstaviti Lokalni investicijski fond, nastao povezivanjem sredstava naše lokalne zajednice i USAID-ovog fonda. Ova saradnja je potvrda transparentnog i odgovornog upravljanja sredstvima za našu zajednicu, a istovremeno je i prvi primjer dobre prakse fokusa prema investicijama povezanim sa našom dijasporom. Lokalni fond će sufinansirati kompanije koje nisu starije od 3 godine (d.o.o., d.d.), koje imaju dokazivu poslovnu vezu (suvlasništvo ili neka forma biznis partnerstva) sa našom dijasporom ili ljudima koji su se vratili u našu zemlju u posljednjih 5 godina. Aplikaciji možete pristupiti na grant.diasporainvest.ba Poziv je otvoren tokom cijele godine, a ova info-sesija je prilika da saznate sve o procedurama i pravilima vezanim za pristup sredstvima.
Preuzmi brošuruLooking back at Bosnia and Herzegovina and its neighbors, it can be said that it is traditionally a migratory and emigrant country. In the last two decades, the reasons have been primarily economic, resulting in the emigration of young and educated people.
Various analyses show that nearly two million people of Bosnian and Herzegovinian origin live in more than 50 countries around the world. The connection of the population with the homeland is still strong and significant, but there is concern that the second and third generations may reduce their interest in the environment from which their ancestors came. This is one of the reasons why the Council of Ministers of BiH adopted the document "Cooperation Policy with the Diaspora" in the spring of 2017, aiming to encourage local government units, cantonal, and entity-level authorities to include cooperation with the Bosnian diaspora in their plans.
The municipality of Travnik takes this issue seriously and has employed a person responsible for cooperation with the diaspora since July 1, 2020. The goal is to establish a database of citizens living outside Bosnia and Herzegovina, network with them, and through mutual cooperation, establish an institutional connection between the municipality of Travnik and our fellow citizens all over the world. We are also ready to accept all criticisms, ideas, good practice examples, and cooperation from other communities, all with the aim of development and creating a more welcoming environment for our citizens when they return to their home environment.
We are aware that our best ambassadors in the world are precisely our fellow citizens who, for their personal reasons, had to move to another environment. By connecting with each other, we will create better conditions for preserving tradition, culture, open up new paths of cooperation, and encourage local-level economic investments.
Dear residents of Travnik, living anywhere outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina, please fill out the attached form so that this local community can create a database of its citizens living and working beyond the borders of BiH.
For potential investors in the municipality of Travnik, our Office is also at your disposal, and we will be particularly interested in serving you through the municipal administration in Travnik.
If you need any assistance or advice, please contact the Expert Associate for the Diaspora, Azem Ejubović, at +387 30 518 106 or via email: dijaspora@opcinatravnik.com.ba